Attend Booths

Dear Exhibitors,


We are proud to announce that the 17th Georgia Beauty Trade Show will be held on Sunday, March 16th, 2025 in GAS South District Convention Center in Atlanta, the most populous city in the state of Georgia, as well as the urban core of one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas.


You are invited to join us at the GAS South Convention Center to exchange marketing experience and sales information to boost your business regarding to Beauty Supply industry. Due to the show is on one month prior to the Easter, the show will lead retailers’ point of purchase and satisfy high demands in the peak season of tax return.

The Trade show offers 76,500 square feet of exhibit space which will accommodate up to about 400 exhibit booths. This facility includes a full service restaurant, conference banquets and seminar spaces. This facility is easily accessible to the area’s business and located in the heart of whole sales areas approximately twenty minutes away from Buford, Doraville. We are providing accommodations for exhibitors and offering many entertainments such as premiums and golf tours to attract more buyers’ participation.

We hope this Trade Show gives you an opportunity to share your experiences with vendors and regain your competitive advantages.

Exhibit Application and Agreement

Booth Information

1) Booth Size : Each Booth 10ft X 10ft
2) Booth Price : $1,500 for Each Booth

Show Services

The booth price includes pipe & drape, a 1 undraped table, 4 plastic chairs and free wireless internet.
* GICC forms (Equipment Rental Form & Material Handling Order Form) will be sent after your registration or you can download from our website
* GICC   T 770)997-3566 F 770)994-8559

Payment Schedule:

1) Upon signing : 50% of Booth Fee Due

2) Jan 31, 2025 : 100% of Booth Fee Due

* Make a check payable to Georgia Atlanta Beauty Supply Association” (or GABSA)

* There will be NO REFUNDS

* We only accept a check, cashier check or money order.

Assumption of Risks

While Georgia Beauty Trade may provide security service of the exhibit for the exhibit area, it is understood that all products, equipment, furniture, and furnishings if the exhibitor are placed at the sole risk of exhibitor, and Georgia Beauty Trade assumes no responsibility for any loss or damages to the exhibitor’s property.

  1. 본 트레이드쇼는 조지아애틀랜타뷰티협회(이하 협회) 임원회의 결의에 따라 도매상과 소매상을 겸하는 업체에 대하여는 참여에 제한을 둘 수 있다.
  2. 본 쇼의 원활한 운영 및 진행을 위하여 같은 업종의 업체가 지나치게 많이 참여할 경우, 협회에서는 임의로 업체의 참가 여부를 제한할 수 있다.
  3. 계약된 금액은 일체 반환하지 않으며 모든 부스는 계약금 입금시 확정 배정하고 부득이한 상황에 의한 쇼 30일 이전 불참 통보시 위약금은 총부스비의 두배로 한다.
  4. 본 협회는 부득이한 경우 참여 업체가 원하는 부스 위치를 사정에 따라 조정 및 변경할 수 있으며, 참여업체는 이에 협조하여야 한다.
  5. 본 쇼에서는 참가 신청 업종 중 뷰티 스토어에서 취급이 부적절하거나 법에 저촉되는 상품이라고 판단되는 품목은 참가를 거부할 수 있다.
  6. 본 협회는 타 부스 운영에 방해가 되는 행위를 한 업체에게는 적당한 조정 및 기타 문제되는 모든 사항에 대하여 시정을 요구할 수 있으며, 이를 이행하지 않을 경우 퇴장을 요구할 수 있다.
  7. 본 협회에서는 참가한 벤더들간의 분쟁의 소지가 있거나 쇼 운영에 막대한 지장을 초래할 가능성이 있는 업종 또는 업체에 대하여는 계약을 거부할 수 있으며, 계약 완료 후라도 문제가 있다고 판단시에는 언제든지 임원회의를 거쳐 임의로 계약을 해지할 수 있다.
  1. Georgia Atlanta Beauty Supply Association (“GABSA”) reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to limit/reject/deny the registration of vendors who conduct both wholesale and retail business in the same industrial field.
  2. In order to manage and operate the Trade show efficiently, at the discretion of the board, GABSA may set a limit on the number of participating vendors from the same industrial field.
  3. The down payment made is non-refundable and assignment of individual booth is confirmed upon the receipt of the deposit. If one cancels the contract 30 days before the show date, the money deposit shall be applied to the termination fee which will be double the cost of total booth fee amount.
  4. In order to manage and operate the Trade show efficiently, GABSA may adjust or rearrange the location of booths distributed to participating corporation and the corporation should cooperate with GABSA.
  5. GABSA reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to limit/reject/deny the registration of vendors who sells inappropriate or illegal beauty products.
  6. In order to manage and operate the Trade show efficiently, GABSA shall decide acceptable sound levels and will take appropriate action to the vendors to reduce or remove that, which GABSA find objectionable. Any matters not specifically covered herein are subject to decision by GABSA. GABSA show management reserves the right to make such changes, amendments and additions to these rules as considered advisable for the proper conduct of the exhibit, with the provision that all exhibits will be advised of any such change.
  7. In order to manage and operate the Trade show properly, GABSA shall revoke the contract with companies or industries, even if contracts are already signed, who cause dispute among participating vendors and constitute a serious encumbrance to show management.

Exhibitor’s Identification & Space Request


Exhibit Space Request

Exhibitor's Identification

신청 후 50%의 금액을 결제하셔야 합니다.